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Pinnacle Peak Preparatory School is the only K-8 in the Paradise Valley School District. Our school is also host to Pre-K (3 and 4-year-olds) and Mascot, a before and after school program.


Are you looking for a Kindergarten program that is the right fit for your child? Schedule a tour to meet the teachers, view the classrooms, learn what a day is like in Kindergarten and enroll! 


Middle School 

In August 2016, the PVSchools Governing Board voted to approve a K-8 model for Pinnacle Peak Preparatory School. We launched our first 7th grade class at the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year, and 8th grade commenced the following school year. 

We are excited to offer a K-8 model and we believe there are many benefits to attending PPPS. Research shows that students benefit from smaller class sizes, increased teacher support, and more flexibility. If you are interested in a public school with a private school feel, please contact our school office at 602-449-6700.

Pre-K and Mascot

For more information on Pre-K or Mascot, please go to the Pre-K or Before & After School page.