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Before & After School

Throughout PVSchools, the Community Education Department provides a variety of before and after school options for families to choose from.

Mascot Club

Students enjoy a rich variety of activities that aim to cultivate their talents and interests. Trained and caring staff supervise students as they participate in a variety of activities designed to meet their needs for social interactions, cognitive development, and emotional growth.


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Enrichment programs are tuition-based and offer affordable classes throughout the year. Classes provide opportunities for students in grades K-12 to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and talents, and improve their social skills in an informal, fun, and safe environment.



More Mascot Information

Mascot Club students enjoy a rich variety of activities that aim to cultivate students' talents and interests. Through these programs, students are encouraged to learn and play in a safe, caring environment. Trained and caring staff supervise students as they participate in a variety of activities specifically designed to meet their needs for social interactions, cognitive development, and emotional growth. Lesson plans are aligned with Arizona Quality Standards for Out of School Time programs. Mascot Club sites are active places with many choices and opportunities for growth, such as large group games, art projects, active games and sports, and STEM-based projects.

More Enrichment Information

Enrichment programs are tuition-based and offer affordable classes throughout the year. Classes provide opportunities for students to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and talents, and improve their social skills in an informal, fun, and safe environment. Enrichment programs are offered after school.

Enrichment offerings include, but are not limited to:

  • Arts and Crafts
  • Acting/Singing
  • Sports
  • Science and Technology
  • Drawing
  • Hands-on Learning     

Community Education
Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

Community Education

15032 N. 32nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85024
(602) 449-2200

Learn More about Community Ed