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Media Center

Two PPPS students sitting in their classroom reading books

Our media center, otherwise known as the school library, provides a variety of resources for all students in print, digital, and online. 

A wide spread genre of literature is available, and all students are encouraged to explore the many stories and adventures found in literature. We also take pride in providing technology services for students to empower them with the skills necessary for a lifetime of success. 

Love to Read?

We're proud to offer a variety of library resources for our students – both in hard copy and as eBooks. We use a system called Follett Destiny for library (media center) resources.

Destiny Discover (sometimes called Follett Destiny) is our web-based library catalog and resource that can be used on any device that is connected to the internet. It allows students, staff, and families to:

  • See all of the books — both hard copies in print and digital eBooks — available in our library system.
  • View book information, including copies available, a description of the book, reading level, and reviews.
  • See suggestions of related subjects.
  • Make a list of book selections.
  • Create a bibliography from a book list with the touch of a button.
  • Write reviews.
  • View your student's Destiny account, which includes materials from both the library and the bookstore allowing families to access check-out history.

To find out what's available in our library:


You can explore Destiny Discover as a guest to see book titles available, or you can log in using a student single sign-on account.

Pinnacle Peak is now offering the chance to check out eBooks. All you have to do is follow the easy steps listed below:

How to Check Out an eBook (Online Procedure):

  • Click on the PPPS Library Book Check Out tab below.
  • In the top right hand corner, click on the words Log In.
  • Look to the left of the page and click on the blue box that says PV Single Sign-On.
  • Now that you are on the sign-in page, enter your username and password (it may be auto-filled for you). You are at the Library site!


Searching for Books?

  • Go to the search box at the top and type in the name of the book you want and hit Enter.
  • You will see a list of books and eBooks. eBooks can be checked out and read on your computer. There is no need to put them on hold. Just click Checkout then read whenever you are ready. You have 14 days to read this book, then it is automatically returned.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our librarian, Mrs. Shirley Haney.

Here are some additional sites that may help your student:




Accessing Student Library History

If you would like to access your child's library history, visit Destiny Discover or contact your school's media center. 

Accessing Check-out History: 
  1. Once in Destiny Discover, click “Login” located in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select “Single Sign On” as the option to sign in.
  3. Log in with the authentication portal using your child's PVSchools username and password. Once logged in, you should see your child's name in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Click the “My Stuff” option and then choose “History” to view your child's check-out history.